Step 1: In your web browser of choice, go to the St. Matthias Parish website
Step 2: Click on “Give Online with Weshare by MinistryBrands” button on the homepage which brings you here! [Alternatively to steps 1 and 2, go directly to: or click the above link if you are reading this on the website already!]
Step 3: If you have an account already, click the “Sign in” tab located 3rd from the left under our parish name banner. If you do not have an account you may go directly to “Give Now” Tab and follow the directions online or to create an account first, click the "Sign in" tab and scroll to the small: "Don't have a giving account? Create One". The words "Create One" is a link. Click it to follow instructions to make a new account. [In order to make a recurring donation, you must first Sign in to your account].
For example, without an account: To make a one-time Parish Maintenance donation:
A. Click on "Give Now" tab.
B. Go to Fund under "My Donation" and "One Time" tab.
C. With the drop-down arrow, choose "Parish Maintenance".
Please call the Parish Office at 508-460-9255 or email if you run into any problems.
D. Tab or click over and add dollar amount.
E. The previous step with fill payment type information and billing information.
F. Click "Submit" button.
You should be asked to create an account if you have not created one yet. If you do so you can Sign in and add any other funds you'd like to donate to (such as Second Collections and you can also make recurring donations).
The Home tab contains the following fund opportunities: Second Collections, Faith Formation, Memorial or Sacramental donations, SVdP donation and Miscellaneous One-Time donation.
Note: Second Collections can not be paid after the date they run. If you wish to set up a Second Collection donation, you must submit it at least a week or so prior to the collection date otherwise, the date switches to next year's date.
Please call the Parish Office at: 508-460-9255 or email if you need any help with online donations!